Pfalzgraf experience


Modern family company
that moves with the times

At Pfalzgraf, we combine state-of-the-art, sustainable production with the best quality and with traditional values. The customer is our main focus.

About us

Our history


From classics to trendy gateaux

Some might say that they find it difficult to decide which of our many delicious products to choose. But we say: "Sorry - not sorry!" We simply want to offer a varied selection of high-quality, delicious cakes and gateaux. While the ultimate choice is up to you, we provide plenty of inspiration with our creations.

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Go to special nutritional requirements



Bei Pfalzgraf ist nur drin, was draufsteht

keine Konservierungsstoffe und Geschmacksverstärker
keine deklarationspflichtigen Farbstoffe
keine gehärteten Fette oder Öle
nur natürliche Aromen
 keine Sojazutaten


ausschließlich Rindergelatine
alle gebackenen Produkte (ohne Sahne) sind vegetarisch
über 60 % aller unserer Produkte sind bereits palmölfrei
Primärverpackung aus reiner Frischfaser ohne Recyclinganteil

A requirement - not just an option!

Work at Pfalzgraf

Want to become part of the Pfalzgraf team? Then you should get to know us first. And if your desired position is not currently being advertised, we will nevertheless be happy to receive your speculative application.

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